I am getting into Python from html  

flag = 0 nds = 100 ds = '_' dss = '-' print(ds*nds) print('I am in Python') sp = " " print(ds*nds) print('How to use: while') print(dss*(nds//2)) n = 0 while n < 10: print(n) n = n + 1 print(ds*nds) print('How to calculate factorial with while') print(dss*(nds//2)) x = 4 i = 1 fac = 1 while i <= x: fac *= i i += 1 print(f'{x} factorial is {fac}') print(ds*nds) print('How to use: for') print(dss*(nds//2)) for n in range(5): print(n) for n in range(10,20,2): print(n) print("$"*n) print(ds*nds) print('How to play strings by loops') print(dss*(nds//2)) s = "demo loops- fruit loops" for index in range(len(s)): if s[index] == 'i' or s[index] == 'u': print(f' there is an i or u') flag = 1 print(ds*nds) print('Speed testing of "for" loop in MIT Python Lecture 4') print(dss*(nds//2)) if flag == 1: ok = int(input("Enter the triple loop integer number: ")) print(ok) from datetime import datetime now = datetime.now() current_time = now.strftime("%H:%M:%S") print(f"Start Loop Time = {current_time}") for A in range(ok+1): for B in range(ok+1): for C in range(ok+1): total = (A+B+C == ok) two_less = (B == A-2) twice = (C == 2*A) if total and two_less and twice: print(f"A sold {A} tickets") print(f"B sold {B} tickets") print(f"C sold {C} tickets") from datetime import datetime now = datetime.now() current_time = now.strftime("%H:%M:%S") print(f"End Loop Time = {current_time}") print(ds*nds) print('Tesla Formula') print(dss*(nds//2)) import math pi = 3.1415926 a = 0.25 b = 0.5 sk = 51 ix = 51 ww = [] xx = [] for i in range(ix): x = i*0.3 xx.append(x) w = 0 for k in range(sk): w += (a**k)*math.cos((b**k)*(pi/4)*x) if k == 0: w = w - 0.0 ww.append(w) print(f"x = {xx}") print(f"w = {ww}") print(ds*nds) print('Plot Tesla Formula Curve') print(dss*(nds//2)) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.plot(xx, ww)
    I am out of Python from html